Guess What…The Weekend is Over :3

So first off…I totally forgot it was our first month of translating! That was on the 19th, yeah, quite long ago. We are a whole month older and wiser into this gig. Here is the next chapter… and thanks as usual for checking up on our wee little WuxiaWorld thread :3

So the reason we burned out in the first place, wasn’t because 1 chapter a day was exhausting – it was because we were trying to ‘speed level up’ by viciously exterminating a single monster over, and over…and over….. and yeah we did hit the point we could do two chapters a day, but without editing a chapter isn’t…very palatable… Speedy translations can often mean a lot of burden on editors, and since we rotate the roles every chapter, it was just bad budgeting of time and efforts that led to crashes, and translating mistakes 😦

Instead we decided to slowly train up! So guess what we did this weekend!? Well first off, we actually had a Friday NIGHT ZOMG. On Saturday, we hit the books believe it or not. Yup, studied some Chinese mang. The more characters we can immediately recognize, the faster we can translate. ‘Course, not to discourage anyone who wants to pick up Chinese as a translator but, classroom Chinese is pretty lacking for translating a novel aimed at 20-somethings. It seems we have to look up a new phrase every other line, and they rarely repeat. Nonetheless there have been a few that popped up 2-3 times and so we studied those.

Well the weekend was a hugeeee break. I’m still over 80 chapters behind all the series I started. I sincerely doubt I’ll ever catch up anymore, and just binge a series once a week. Not too bad for addiction-sating >:)

…and a random post of possible Qin Wan’er!? She’s not a celeb though, and actually part of the navy lol.


7 thoughts on “Guess What…The Weekend is Over :3”

    1. We missed you too! Thanks for reading, and we’ll try to get our speeds up by slowly building our skills on weekends. Hopefully, we will eventually be able to post 2 chapters a day without breaking anything!


  1. Ahahahahhhahahahaha I knew it!!! The imp! Guo Guo is the best!!! Welcome back!!! You guys have been doing wonderfully and I will like to express my thanks for working so hard. Im glad your weekend has been relaxing. 😀 I’d be lying if I said i wasn’t going through withdrawal tho o.o

    Liked by 1 person

    1. haha, you were right on the money but we couldn’t say anything before we spoiled it. In order to build faster, we need better workers so might as well train ’em first and then maybe we can…sell more drugs xD


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