Chapter 119: 8 Million Soars to 100 Million

GuoGuo stood up to try to see with all her might. As if only she could see what that girl looked like clearly, even GuoGuo couldn’t help but to praise, “That jiejie has quite extravagant temperament, no wonder when she acts, she’s so generous. Beauties aren’t like others.”

Really extravagant temperament? It was the first time Xu Yun had heard such high praise, truly using all of GuoGuo’s ability to express it. “Get serious and sit down, our objective is about to come.”

GuoGuo stuck out her tongue. “Daddy, are you actually not interested in a beauty? This isn’t your style. That jiejie is truly very pretty, and her qualities are only second to this Little Lady.”

Xu Yun helplessly smiled, “Truly worthy of my daughter, this is some confidence…..”

“Daddy, you really don’t want to see? Then don’t regret it.” GuoGuo finished and then sat down.

Xu Yun truly was not in the mood to look – Lu Feng had prepared ten million for this villa, and suddenly a bolt from the blue popped out. And they prepared 8.03 million for this big hotel, who knows if some changes would happen.

The auctioneer had proudly sold at such a good price, and his whole body became even more excited. “The next auctioned item, every will know without me even saying. It’s exactly the place we’re at now! HeDong City’s International Grand Hotel! This is a building that is a landmark in HeDong City, everyone sitting here knows its value even better than I do! But the starting price is only 8 million! Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready?”

The entire room had no reaction. Everyone’s gaze completely weren’t looking at the auctioneer – all were placed onto Ruan QingShuang. Yesterday in a single night, nearly all the people of HeDong City knew that Ruan QingShuang was eyeing it – who dared to fight with her?

“Starting price of 8 million! And the very smallest bid is still 10,000, haha. But I believe no one would do this right?” The auctioneer said with a smile and both hands held high. “Bidding start!”

Before the people had a chance to process it, GuoGuo stood up like lightning, holding the bidding paddle high in her hands she said, “My mom bids 8 million and 10,000!”

The entire room’s gaze was drawn by GuoGuo’s childish voice, but what drew them more was the number on the bidding paddle. Within the room, no one wouldn’t know that the number was Ruan QingShuang’s!

The auctioneer was shocked by this situation of absolute silence. There really was someone that bid 10,000, simply making him collapse.

But after 8.01 million, there was actually no one calling out another bid – this made the auctioneer even more speechless.

“Number 1……bids 8.01 million, hehe, our little friend is truly interesting.” The auctioneer smiled, at this price even if he died he couldn’t do the deal. Just this room wasn’t worth that price. His gaze sprinkled across the crowd, “Please continue raising paddles!”

But what made him absolutely flabbergasted was that actually, not a single person spoke to raise the bid.

He really looked forward to this directly breaking past 10 million, and unexpectedly the whole room was silent.

“Haha, ladies and gentlemen, everyone, right now you can continue raising your bidding paddles!” The auctioneer suspected that everyone’s ears had gone deaf.

GuoGuo was a bit impatient, “Hey, it’s been so long and no one has spoken. Shouldn’t you call 1, 2, 3, sold?”

The few government officials in the room each frowned, including Chen Wei. He truly hadn’t thought that Ruan QingShuang and Xu Yun would truly have such a large deterring power, that actually no one dared to compete with them.

Chen Wei had investigated Ruan QingShuang for a while, but hadn’t found anything wrong. Now it seems that her true self hadn’t shown her true colors – truly he absolutely had to have those two elites the higher-ups sent to have a thorough investigation.

At the moment, Chen Wei couldn’t know that those two elites had already left HeDong City, and had already gone back to YanJing to report their work. What kind of people come from Dragon Fury? When leaving of course they wouldn’t need to do formalities…..moreover that day Azure Dragon Qian Feng truly drank till he was absolutely plastered, and Silver Dragon Fan Shuang’er was further unwilling to take him over and lose face.

In the back of the auction hall, that girl with extravagant temperament that GuoGuo praised scrunched her brow. She didn’t quite understand why the auction hall would become like this. Originally she had thought that very quickly this hotel would be bid above 30 million – by then with one call of 50 million she definitely could shock the scene. She was prepared to grab it at 100 million, but hadn’t thought that after a child called a bid of 8.01 million, no one would then increase the bid.

The corners of the girl’s mouth faintly smiled – this was truly an interesting auction. She decided to accompany that little girl and play for a bit.

“8.01 million…….going once…….” The auctioneer completely didn’t want to count more. What kind of situation was this? It was just a fairy tale! The starting price of this hotel should at the very least be bid up to 10 times!

GuoGuo triumphantly looked at Ruan QingShuang and Qiu Yan.

At the entrance of the auction hall, even though Qin Wan’er had long been prepared, but she was still shocked at this reality. Shuang-jie’s prestige now was like the gods in heaven, and GuoGuo’s auction battle plan seemed to have been carried out especially smoothly.

Just as everyone was waiting for the last word to disperse the crowd, that clear voice like an oriole sounded, “8.02 million.”

The originally silent auction hall instantly boiled with stimulation – everyone’s gaze turned towards the girl that took the villa from Lu Feng for 20 million, but no one would’ve guessed that this girl would actually add 10,000!

GuoGuo got up and stared over. Hmph, that goddess-jiejie that she had just praised as beautiful and with fine temperament, instantly turned into an ugly old witch in her eyes!

The auctioneer didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Was this a joke in a movie? Just what do these people want to do? Was this a serious deal, and not a little girl playing a game?

“8.03 million!” GuoGuo’s zeal had been directly aroused.

This was everything they brought this time, and Xu Yun didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. If the bid increased, then they would have to have QiangZi and the South City Tiger Trio lend them money, very much a loss of face.

No wonder he always had a sense of foreboding – this had truly come to pass. Halfway on the road they came across an unexpected character that truly left them no options.

“8.04 million.” That girl with an extravagant temperament casually said.

GuoGuo viciously ground her teeth. Even if this Princess had to stake everything and go all over to borrow money, she would definitely have to make you lose. With her two hands at her waist, she loudly yelled, “8.05 million!”

This farce unexpectedly kept on going – the two of them were like fighting children, each person adding 10,000. Ten+ minutes later, each called bids more than 20 times, and the bid of the hotel only reached 8.5 million.

But at the scene, not a single person felt that this was boring and left. Everyone wanted to see what the final result was, to see how Shuang-jie would deal with it, and wanted to see just who this unexpected character was.

The miserably bored auctioneer was completely silent. He truly didn’t understand why the government didn’t directly increase the bid to 1 million – then it wouldn’t have become like this, and the other people were still stupidly watching, making him further want to collapse.

Finally, the extravagant temperament girl was too lazy to continue playing with GuoGuo, and with a slight smile as she lifted her paddle she said, “30 million.”

Wow——-! The entire room was silent.

The auctioneer’s eyes glowed, this is more like it! It seems like now the real stormy bids will start!

Chen Wei and the several officials finally revealed a slight smile. Phew, just in case it really was sold for more than 8 million, then they really would’ve cried. Definitely, the newly arrived party secretary would scold them to hell right?

It’s over, Xu Yun’s head flashed with this thought. They aren’t getting this hotel.

To Ruan QingShuang it actually didn’t matter. Originally she didn’t think that she could earn so much for so little. Not being able to buy it didn’t matter, our panacea restaurant was really good, and monthly income was especially impressive. There was no need for such a big shop right?

Qiu Yan let out a sigh, GuoGuo’s farce should end. Qin Wan’er at the auction hall entrance was a bit disappointed – she originally could’ve become a “shareholder” of this place, but now it’s fizzled. If she had known earlier she wouldn’t have told GuoGuo about the auction.

This world truly exceeds expectations, and disappointments are even greater.

The other side had already called out 30 million, directly preparing to use overwhelming force to crush GuoGuo, but GuoGuo wasn’t some kind of fellow that was good to provoke. Since she was small she had seen great storms following Millennium Feng – there wasn’t a thing that GuoGuo hadn’t seen.

Want to use 30 million to overwhelm her? Hmph, stop dreaming!

“50 million!!” Said GuoGuo, glowing with energy. Her eyes angrily glared, in complete disregard that she didn’t have this money. Hmph, want to play with this Princess, you’re still too early! Even if this Princess doesn’t have the money to buy it, she’ll still make the price rise, and make it uncomfortable for you to buy.

Ruan QingShuang and Qiu Yan each were shocked, 50 million?!

Xu Yun nearly spat blood. This girl really dared to bid, where would they go to get that much money? Was this girl calculating that he’d go rob a bank!?

But the extravagant temperament beauty wasn’t moved in the slightest, still like gentle winds and light clouds she spoke, “80 million.”

Once she heard the other side bid, only then did Ruan QingShuang relax. If they won the bid just now, even if she was beaten to death she wouldn’t be able to pay 50 million, that was simply a fantasy out of the Arabian Nights!

GuoGuo knew that she had come across a rich person, but recklessness already gave her no way of controlling her strongly combative spirit. GuoGuo clenched her teeth and called out nine digits that shocked Ruan QingShuang to death. “100 million!”

The entire room was again silent. The beauty with extravagant temperament frowned. It seems her opponent wasn’t someone who was playing; it was someone with true power. Like this she didn’t have enough money on her. Hehe, it seems that this hotel really can’t be purchased.

“You won.” The beauty with extravagant temperament put down the bidding paddle in her hand, and smiled to GuoGuo.

In GuoGuo’s view, this smile was schadenfreude…..this time they were finished. They played big. GuoGuo lowered her head and looked at Xu Yun and Ruan QingShuang, her face was filled with the pitiful expression of a child that had done something wrong.

Oh f*ck! Xu Yun was completely defeated. Do you think that making this expression, I can just forgive you?! This wasn’t so simple as breaking someone’s glass! This was even more serious than kicking the grandson next door in the balls!

100 million! Even if they robbed a bank, they couldn’t be sure they could get that much money!

Xu Yun completely collapsed, Ruan QingShuang nearly rolled up her eyes and fainted.

GuoGuo saw that there was no help coming, and could only look at Qiu Yan. On Qiu Yan’s face wasn’t the slightest expression. This time GuoGuo was playing with the government, this wasn’t a joke. If they couldn’t settle it, it would be a crime. Even though GuoGuo definitely wouldn’t be affected because of her young age, but the rest of the adults really wouldn’t be able to call in connections.

“100 million going once!” The auctioneer finally raised the little gavel in his hands. One hundred million, this price is not bad, his face showed a bit of a smile.

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62 thoughts on “Chapter 119: 8 Million Soars to 100 Million”

    1. He can definitely sell some of the medicine, or make some to auction. I was thinking he could also call up a Dragon Fury comrade like Azure Dragon that is eligible to overdraft the World Bank card…


  1. GG is getting on my nerves now! MC need to smack her bottom till she vomits blood (yes, i said it). It was funny at first, but it has gone too far now. Where the F would they get that money now? Stupid kid. MC started off as a badass at the beginning but now he is a just a slave to GG. Get rid of the kid, please!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. They probably have to include the mysterious girl, either by letting her win by pulling out (which would incur a fine, perhaps a penalty too), or letting her join in (my guess) as the controlling stake member. The other options would probably include borrowing a lot of money and financing (gulp) the rest…


  2. Xu Yun panics over 30 million

    Crowd expects such a competition

    GuoGuo goes 50 million

    Xu Yun “almost” spat out blood over 50 million

    JieJie raises it up to 80 million

    GuoGuo has this urge to raise the stakes
    GuoGuo raises it to 100 million

    Ruan Qingshuang fainted with white eyeballs and Xu Yun collapsed on the spot!!

    Then…. ‘Oh f*ck! Xu Yun was completely defeated. Do you think that making this expression, I can just forgive you?! This wasn’t so simple as breaking someone’s glass! This was even more serious than kicking the grandson next door in the balls!’

    I fucking died in this chapter xD hahahaha I think this was the funniest and most shocking thing guoguo has done.
    Bad guoguo, bad girl!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. thansk a lot!
    guoguo! no—-! -shakes head- who’s this girl? really wealthy, huh! well, worse comes to worst, xu yun’ll have to overdraft the card, poor guy…

    Liked by 2 people

        1. My guess is some sort of transfer of the winning bid, either letting the mysterious girl win outright, or perhaps her inclusion into GuoGuo Group as the controlling member if she joins the harem…


        2. Not exactly sure about the rules of police auctions in China, but in other countries, you could also come up with the assets with portfolios, trade-ins, and real estate transfers, so if it really came to it, they could take out mortgages on their panacea restaurant empire, but that would hurt T_T. Better to somehow come up with a partnership with the new girl, or perhaps get a Dragon Fury comrade to overdraft the World Bank card…


        3. Yeah, that’s true. There are a number of ways to solve this. I’m just waiting to see which path xu yun will take to solve this,ahaha!

          Liked by 1 person

    1. Definitely huge pools of money in this situation… I was surprised that a medium-sized hotel in a 3rd tier city in China would have a projected income of 24+ million Yuan according to the author’s figures…


  4. Aiyaa, guoguo….discipline is now in session…

    Guoguo is a fun character but when dealing with things like properties, shareholds and whatnot that are meant for adults….aiyaaa guoguo you remind me so much of my daughter….

    Liked by 3 people

        1. I mean, I’m strict on stuff but ya know…she’s like 8 and she doesn’t know better…now if she were to touch my model gundam replicas…ohohoho….I’ve had my first set back in ’98…and she knows not to mess with her dad’s collection

          Liked by 1 person

        1. Sell medicine, raid Jin Biao’s territories, second mortgages on properties held, even getting loans based off of their panacea restaurants’ accounts receivables… I think building a partnership or having a Dragon Fury guy temporarily use their card would be best.

          Liked by 1 person

  5. Please, just please. No more luck with this little girl.
    I really want this problem can change her attitude.
    At first it’s funny, but later her behavior became annoying AF.

    You know, when her act in front of the circle, I can accept it. Because that circle already like family to her.
    But sometimes the way she act, and the place when she act, made the adult around her like a dumb. Like a bunch of people that can’t teach a proper manner to a kid.

    It’s okay when plot armor save the damn kid, but after this incident, she still act like this and make the adult around her especially Xu Yun looks like dumb, I may drop this novel.

    But for sure, I really like this story, and more like it if that damn kid doesn’t exist.

    Sorry for bad English.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. dude you are too serious, dont you aware that she’s just a little girl? its already really awesome that she’s never complaint to QY about how they’re living now, considering she was lived as a little princess of the underworld.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Even if she was a little princess before, she is a dick to Xu Yun all the time and just now she bought a fucking hotel for 100 million which is like 3 times the price causing enormous trouble for all of them…

        Liked by 1 person

      2. LOL. That’s why I told in that post, adult around her just like a dumb to her.
        “Oh, she just a little girl.”
        Cmon, if they knew she is little girl, why they just silence when she tried to bid ?
        “Little princess? ”
        I think she understood with her situation. And at first, when she make a deal with Xu Yun, she understood she doesn’t have money. Because of that she made that deal.
        “She never complain to Xu Yun about living?”
        Everyone knew she is dick to Xu Yun all the time. Just like I told in that post, it’s okay she act like a dick when around her circle, because they like family to her, but she doesn’t know her place.
        I think we already knew, she already have some of adult knowledge. If now, she will not made a deal with Xu Yun.

        If she really have a mind of little girl, she will not try to make the deal and bidding in that auction.

        Sorry for my grammar nazi, English isn’t my native.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Yeah the adults are also at fault for not setting the boundaries of what’s acceptable or not for her
          And there are many capable adults in Xu Yun’s team. It’s idiotic to leave serious business to a kid 😐
          Well let’s see how they’ll get out of this ‘situation’

          Liked by 1 person

    1. I totally so agree with you there. Not only she need to be slapped a couple of times, she need to be discipline properly too. Who cares whose granddaughter she belonged to but she just ran amok here with no manners at all. I began to find her very annoying with so much troubles she has been causing her the adults.

      Thank you very much for the latest update. 😀

      Liked by 3 people

    2. No doubt that she caused a major upheaval this time… When she ran off alone to rob Wang ShunXi alone was pretty reckless, so this is probably a continuation of that trend. The best one to discipline GuoGuo is probably Qiu Yan, since she actually listens to her when she gets serious.


    1. Srsly, last time when everything was looking good and hopeful, Jin Biao’s wife came and tried to seize the panacea restaurant, then Crimson Scorpion came, so I just had a feeling that they were in for it.


    1. Thanks, for the moment our output is pretty slow because of arthritic and other issues, like insomnia. But after most (hopefully all!) of them get resolved, we’ll probably be able to increase the translation rate again.


  6. oh wow…… what the……Fk! Seriously? Even an idiot would know when to stop at the right moment!

    Lol, spitting out blood and eyes rolling as if they’re about to faint xD

    Thanks for the chapter! I believe our beloved, dearest, the most beautiful Translator can put up another one…..

    I’m waiting….. I’m watching you…..

    Liked by 4 people

    1. She definitely should have pulled the plug at 50/80 mil even if offended… We’ll see about another chapter, but it’s unlikely with carpal tunneling-like symptoms and a scheduled Jiangye release tomorrow.


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