
You ever hear people say it like that? That’s probably why after a few hundred years it’s called a dialect that is not mutually intelligible.

Anyways Chapter 72 really kicked our asses. There are parts that we are not entirely sure of. That’s part of the limitation of relying on spoken Chinese instead of actually studying it to higher levels – people don’t use as complex sentences and tend to express a point pretty simply.

So, there are a few parts we’re honestly not sure of, and though we were gonna post it on the forums to get help, got busy, forgot and by the time we got around to it, we weren’t sure if we could get a response in time. It’s kind of like ‘sand pit’, remember that one? Sand pit is used in Chinese RPG’s like MMO’s and such for ‘arena’, and it’s vague.

Well we have a few parts where we made certain choices here:

  • Lu Nan District – Lu is the same ‘Lu’ that was the state Confucius was from, unfortunately Lu means stupid or rude. So it would be Rude Southern District. Stupid Southern District….uhhh….damn. Even though that’s the meaning, it’s an accepted and ordinary name of a place that won’t cause finger pointing and laughing.
  • 现如今也是一样的道理,比如江淮巨擎,人称弥勒佛的魏逸山手下,有外号疯熊的一流高手熊烽。
    • This sentence kicked our asses. The italicized parts were confusing, not sure if we translated right. Help appreciated!
    • We chose MiLe Buddha instead of Maitreya, the Indian name for the same uh, not sure if it’s a buddha or a bodhisattva; our limited knowledge of the characters seems to indicate that both can mean ‘buddha’. Didn’t study Buddhism in Chinese so not sure if there’s a distinction. Maitreya just sounds vastly different from what the author intended so we’d prefer not to use it…let us known of preference!

Thanks for reading,

Defeated translators.


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